5 Complete the text with the present simple affirmative or negative of the verbs in
I(1) get up (get up) at 7 o\'clock during the week. First I (2) Wish (wash)
and then I (3) -et Fressie (get dressed), while Mum (4)
(make) breakfast.
I only (5) AV (have) fruit juice and toast, because I (6)
(not like)
cereal. My sister Sandra (7)
(stay) in bed for ages, so she always
(eat) her breakfast in a hurry. We (9)
(walk) to school,
because we (10)
(not have) bikes.
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ouuuuuu 2 года назад
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I get up at 7 o'clock during the week. First I want to wash

my face and then I get dressed while Mom  

prepares breakfast.

I only have fruit juice and toast, because I don't like

cereal. My sister Sandra

stays in bed forever, so she always

eats her breakfast in a hurry. We

go to school

because we don't have bicycles.

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